Saturday, August 11, 2012

WOW ! Mitt And Ryan Are A Solid GOP Team

"I’m proud to announce Paul Ryan as my VP! Together we will offer a plan to restore American greatness and help build a stronger middle class. " Mitt Romney

Stand with America’s Comeback Team:

The Daily Calles said,"Rep. Paul Ryan is the vice presidential nominee of the Republican Party.
GOP candidate Mitt Romney made the announcement Saturday just after 9 a.m. at the Nauticus Museum near the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Va.
“With energy and vision, Paul Ryan has become an intellectual leader of the Republican Party,” Romney said, officially announcing the pick before Ryan took the stage.
“He combines a profound sense of responsibility for what we owe the next generation with an unbounded optimism of America’s future,” he added.
“Today’s a good day for America, and there are better things head,” Romney said, before introducing Ryan as the next “president of the United States of America.”
After Ryan took the stage, Romney came back to the microphone to clarify: ”Every now and then I’m known to make a mistake. I did not make a mistake with this guy. But I can tell you this: he’s going be the next vice president of the United States.”
“Mitt Romney is a leader with the skills, the background and the character that our country needs at a crucial time in its history,” Ryan told the crowd. “Following four years of failed leadership, the hopes of our country, which have inspired the world, are growing dim; and they need someone to revive them."
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CNS reports:
( - Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate, told four years ago, in August 2008, that the U.S. was heading toward bankruptcy on the fiscal path it was then following and that it would be “mindboggling” to make the problem worse by adding the sort of health-care plan that then-Sen. Barack Obama was advocating in his presidential campaign. asked Ryan: “If our country, if the federal government of the United States, stays on the fiscal path it is currently following, is the government going to go bankrupt down the road?"
“Yes. We know that for a fact,” said Ryan. “All the actuaries, all the objective score-keepers of the federal government are predicting this. So, this much we know. What we know is our government is growing at an unsustainable pace and it will overwhelm our economy’s ability to pay the bills.”
Since first published Ryan making this prediction on Aug. 4, 2008, the debt of the federal government has grown by $6.35 trillion--rising 66 percent, from $9,565,042,361,845.53 then to $15,915,814,457,919.46 now.
Mike Flynn at Brightbart reports:

"America faces an existential crisis. Governments, at all levels, are burdened by unsustainable spending commitments. Our once mighty economic engine is creaking under the weight of onerous regulation and an antiquated tax system. The biggest unkept secret in Washington is that current government policy isn't working and needs an overhaul. Obama and the Democrats have offered meaningless gimmicks and platitudes to address these problems. Romney's bold pick of Rep. Paul Ryan today as his running mate sends a clear message that he and the GOP will offer a serious plan to reverse our country's decline. The debate for America begins today. "

Mitt Romney announced Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday, selecting the Republican Party's go-to man on budget issues in a decision that signals the campaign will make the nation's spiraling debt a centerpiece of its attacks on President Obama. 
Romney made the selection official during a campaign stop Saturday morning in Norfolk, Va., before launching a four-day bus tour.   
The Republican presidential candidate called his new running mate a man of "steadiness" and "integrity." Speaking Saturday morning, Romney praised Ryan as an "intellectual leader" of the party, one who understands the toll the debt is taking on the country but is optimistic about the future. 
"He doesn't demonize his opponents. He understands that honorable people can have honest differences and he appeals to the better angels of our nature," Romney said. "He's never been content to just curse the darkness. He'd rather light candles." 
To the backdrop of retired battleship USS Wisconsin, an energized Ryan then riled up the crowd with a feisty speech that promoted Romney as the solution to the problems under President Obama. Ryan, met with chants of "USA, USA," gave a sweeping vision speech on free enterprise, one laced with attacks on the White House incumbent. 
"No one disputes that President Obama inherited a difficult situation. And, in his first two years, with his party in complete control of Washington, he passed nearly every item on his agenda. But that didn't make things better," Ryan said. "In fact, we find ourselves in a nation facing debt, doubt and despair. ... 
"Whatever the explanations, whatever the excuses, this is a record of failure." 

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