Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Once Again, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Cripples a Team Obama Talking Point | Video | TheBlaze.com

Once Again, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Cripples a Team Obama Talking Point | Video | TheBlaze.com: "The Obama campaign on Tuesday released another ad accusing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney of being an “outsourcer” of jobs.

“What a president believes matters,” the ad begins. “Mitt Romney’s companies were pioneers in outsourcing U.S. jobs to low-wage countries. He supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.”

“President Obama believes in insourcing.”

“He fought to save the US auto industry, and favors tax cuts for companies that bring jobs home. Outsourcing versus insourcing. It matters,” the ad concludes."

Team Obama's Lie and Distortion is in full gear.  Even after being shown to be lies they stay with the same crap hoping to fool the people yet again.  People do not trust Obama or the media lap dogs at the networks.  Please be sure to sent this to as many people you know to help expose Obama for the liar and failed leader he is.
'via Blog this'

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