Monday, December 24, 2012

More statistics that prove gun homicides haven’t gone down in Britain

I nabbed these charts from John Lott’s website where he refuted Piers Morgan after being called a liar and silenced the other night during Morgan’s show. Here are two charts. The first one is strictly homicides by firearm:
Notice that gun homicides were around 50 in 1996 the year before they banned handguns. And then notice how it never really goes below that except in 2009 and 2010. Every other year it’s at least the same or higher. Sometimes much higher. It did sky rocket after the handgun ban but it begins to descend after 2002. But I say forget about that. There still is no trend after 1996 that shows homicides by firearms decreasing below what they were before they banned handguns.
The second chart is all homicides:
Here again, notice that the homicide rate is around 600 when they banned handguns and how it never goes below 600. In fact in most years it’s much higher, just like the chart above.
If anything neither of these charts show that banning handguns has any affect on reducing homicides by firearm or by other weaponry. If anything you could make an argument that banning handguns increased it.
So how is it again that Piers Morgan tells John Lott that he’s a liar?
Go check out John Lott’s post where he goes into much more detail.

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