According to the Oro Valley Police report, Ironwood Ridge High School art teacher Melissa Ann Dalton admitted to having intercourse and oral sex on multiple occasions with two male students.
Colorado Spanish teacher Rhonda Eisenberg, 44, was arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a male student. An anonymous tip to the Greeley, Colorado police department landed the high school teacher in handcuffs and eventually behind bars. Rhonda Eisenberg’s police report states the teacher not only admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old male student while he lived in her home – but having the teenage student’s baby.
A former school teacher and Bengals cheerleader, Sara Jones, admits to having sex with one of her 16-year-old students and has accepted a plea deal. She get no jail time and only 5 years probation. She now plans to marry the child she molested.
Disgraced Florida teacher Debra Lafave has been ordered back on probation, eight years after she admitted to having sex with one of her 14-year-old students.
A former Texas high school teacher, Brittni Nicole Colleps, 28, was convicted of having sex with five 18-year-old students at her home.
Kansas native Michelle Preston, She reached out to her 3 victims through Facebook, which then led to her having sex with these young boys a recorded 15 times. Police uncovered her victims' DNA on her couch cushions.
She plead guilty to the charges. She got off on probation and will have to register as a sex offender. Her students/sex partners were all of the age of consent.
Arrested on the final day of school, Hope Jacoby was taken in for having a sexual relationship with a boy between 14 and 17 years old. This was confirmed once a picture of her was found on the male student's cell phone. The 23 year old physical trainer at Tustin High School went free on bail, but was tried for oral copulation with a minor and unlawful sex with a minor.
Lisa Glide was sentenced to 5 years probation and faced up to a year in prison. She had sexual intercourse with a 17 and a half year old boy twice.
Carrie McCandless taught cheerleading at Brighton Charter High School in Colorado. She was accused of having sexual relations with a 17 year old male student during an sleepover school camping trip. She provided the kids with alcohol and "did everything except having sex" with a male student while another male student slept nearby. She was sentenced to 45 days in jail.
Amy Northcutt and her husband, Justin Northcutt, were arrested for sending lewd text messages to a 16-year old female student and then arranging to have group sex with her.
Science teacher Deanna Higgins, 27, was arrested for having sex with a 16 year old student after detectives found her underwear in the teenager's truck, which he kept there as a sentimental reminder of her. The relationship was outed once Higgins' husband found texts from the boy on her phone.
Most people on this list got a slap on the wrist, but Stephanie Ragusa (a Florida teacher, of course) was convicted of having sex with two of her students. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Ragusa was a math teacher in Tampa and pleaded guilty too three counts of lewd and lascivious "battery" of a 14 year old boy and two counts of unlawful sex with a 16 year old male student.
Pamela Rogers Turner was 27 and an elementary school teacher/coach when she was arrested in February 2005 for having an ongoing relationship with a 13-year-old student. In August of 2005, she pleaded no contest to charges of sexual battery by an authority figure and was sentenced to 9 months in prison, as part of an 8 year suspended sentence for statutory rape. In April 2006, she was arrested for turning around and doing it again! This time for sending sexual pictures and videos of herself to the same student and trying to contact him through the magic of the internet. One of the videos actually leaked onto a website, drawing much attention from the general public. Turner was sentenced to serve the remaining seven years of her sentence in state prison, along with two more years.
In Stockton, California, Christina Oliver (24) was arrested for having sex with a 16 year old male student. The parents of the teen contacted the police with concerns about her sexual relationship with their child. She was arrested near their home. $125,000 bail.
In June of 2008, 29-year-old Cara Dickey, who kind of has a confused-Anna-Kournikova thing going and is arguably the craziest person on this list, was let go from her teaching position after school officials somehow discovered "romantic" texts between Dickey and a 14-year-old male student. They disappeared together later on in the day, after the texts, but were found the next morning. Dickey was found sleeping in her car and the boy was found in a local mall. She pleaded guilty to two counts of second degree statutory rape, and was sentenced to 4 years in jail and an official sex offender designation.
Joy Blackstock, 23,was charged with improper relationship between an educator and a student. She is alleged to have had a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old male student while employed as a teacher at the school, she faces between 2 and 20 years in prison.
Ridiculously cute 22 year old Heather Shelton was charged with sexual activity with a 19 year old student, which isn't illegal in any site, but still violates the age-old trust rule of "teachers probably shouldn't bang their students". Authorities said Shelton had sex with a guy that wasn't even her student, but they had sex in April, and in North Carolina it is a felony for any teacher of a school to have sex with a student from that school.
Rachel Burkhart resigned after allegations of a sexual relationship between her and an 18-year-old male student surfaced. Burkhart avoided legal charges as the student was of legal age at the time. However, Tennessee State Superintendent Wayne Miller did revoke her teaching license, and referred the case to child protective services.
Amy Beck, 33, a Social Studies and English teacher, and mother of three, faces up to seven years in prison for having sexual intercourse and "teaching oral sex" to her 14 year old male student.
Elizabeth Stow, 26 and cute in a pony tail, was a high school English teacher who was arrested in April of 2005 after school officials investigated the rumors of sexual relationships between Stow and a few male students. That's right, a FEW. Prosecutors alleged that Stow had sex with three 17 year old students and was charged with unlawful sexual intercourse and oral copulation with a minor, illustrating exactly what she'd been "stow"ing all along.
Autumn Leathers, who is extremely into S&M according to most people's fantasies and NEVER holds still for a picture (seriously, no better, non-blurry pictures of her exist), was 24 year old high school English teacher who was arrested in August of 2008 for having sexual relations with a 16 year old student. The boy later told (bragged to?) the police that he had a 3 month affair with Leathers. Leather pleaded guilty in Janurary of 2009 to one count of fourth-degree sex offense and all other charges were dropped. She was given a 1 year suspended jail sentence, and was required to register as a sex offender, leaving a red dot above her house in a government database for the rest of her life.
Danielle Walls was 26 years old when she began an affair with a 16 year old student. She admitted to giving the boy cocaine and alcohol and having sex with him at multiple locations -- including his car -- over the course of an 8-month period.
26 year old hottie/music teacher Helen Goddard would often go out for coffee and an after school trumpet lesson with her female student at the London School for Girls (a very expensive school). She served 15 months in jail. Goddard was allowed to keep writing to her victim and 15 year old female student lover throughout her ironic 15 month prison sentence.
One of the oldest offender on this list, 40 year old substitute teacher Lisa Robyn Marinelli was caught having sex with a student when the student walked out of her car, zipping his pants up. She gave the boy a pair of her underwear as a gift. She first started being interested in the boy when her 15 year old daughter started dating him. She was sentenced to a year of house arrest.
Jill Lewis, 26, a Journalism, Speech and Computer teacher was arrested in February of 2008 for having sex with a 17 year old student on a deserted road. An anonymous (probably jealous) source reported the relationship to the police. The case was never presented to a grand jury
Kristy Sanches-Trujillo was 33-years-old and a 7th grade social studies teacher at Jimmy Carter Middle School when she fell for her 13-year-old student. According to Albuquerque police, Sanchez-Trujillo repeatedly had sex with a 13 year old boy that she described as being "more experienced than any man she's had sex with. She also said he was a "25-year-old in a 13-year-old's body." Investigators say Sanchez-Trujillo took the teen to the movies, before things turned sexual. Sanchez-Trujillo then took the teen to the Petroglyph National Monument where the two had sexual intercourse on multiple occasions.
Christine Scarlett, 40, plead guilty to five felony charges for her seduction of 17 year old Steven Bradigan, who happened to be captain of the Strongsville High School football team when the relationship began in 2002. She also gave birth to his son in 2003. Their affair was exposed after Bradigan himself, who has a hearing problem and a learning deficiency, sued Scarlett and the Strongsville School District, accusing her of taking advantage of his youth and disability and district officials of failing to report her to police.
Christine Marie Johanson was charged for having sex with a 15-year-old male, she was 35 at the time. She was given one year in jail.
Rebecca Bogard, 27 year old teacher, was arrested after a 15-year-old student’s mother found sexually explicit text messages from a woman named "Dawn" on his cell hone. One text read, "I love you, yeah it was the best, which night was the best 4 you, I’m sensitive but not sore, you were good..." Bogard had even taken the student Christmas shopping, notifying the mother that they were going to a school function. THE BEST PART: The student was also fired from his job at a restaurant for repeatedly leaving his job for extended breaks during which he was observed getting in and out of a white Jaguar driven by Bogard with a license plate that read, wait for it, "GRRRRR." Bogard was charged for exploitation of a child, touching of a child for lustful purposes and statutory rape.
Christine McCallum started tutoring her victim and his 11-year-old brother in 2005. After a 20-month period, the two boys started living with McCallum and her husband part-time. McCallum had sex with the 13 year old for the first time in February 2006, and used alcohol and marijuana to persuade him. The sexual relationship ended almost two years later when the boy, then 15, became interested in a girl his own age. McCallum, 29, was arrested in January 2009 and convicted of raping the boy up to 300 times over a 21-month period. She pleaded guilty to 12 counts of child rape, one count of drugging a person for sex and one count of providing alcohol to a minor. She got a 29 month sentence.
Janelle Batkins was a French teacher at Roseville High School in Roseville, Michigan. She won the "Teacher of the Year" award in 2002 and in 2007 she was charged with two counts of third degree criminal sexual conduct for her relationship with a 17-year-old student, who happened to be her teacher's assistant in French class. During a pre-trial hearing, the student testified that on at least one occasion, they were interrupted while having sex by one of Batkins' sons.
Katherine Harder; a 31-year-old high school language arts teacher, who decided to teach one of her 17-year-old students the language of love... in a car in the parking lot of the school. Police caught them in the act of conjugating vowels and arrested Harder, just as she was teaching the young boy how to pronounce her last name. While in Kansas the age of consent is 16 years old, state law bans sexual relations between educators and students even if the sexual relation is consensual, because c'mon, duh. Harder was charged with unlawful sexual relations. Later on, the charge increased to aggravated endangering of a child, to which she pleaded no contest. She received a suspended 12 month jail sentence in the end.
Lisa Lynette Clark met her underage fella through her son...Clark contends that the boy lied to her about his age when they first met -- saying he was 17 when he was actually 14 -- and that he was the one who pursued the relationship, not her. "We stopped being physically intimate once I found out how old he was, but it was too late," Clark said. "One month later I found out I was pregnant." The two married using a loophole in Georgia law that waives parental consent and age requirements for a teenager to marry if the bride is pregnant. Clark was eight months' pregnant with the couple's child when she was arraigned. Clark will be in jail when she gives birth to her baby and her husband is also in a juvenile detention for legal problems unrelated to their relationship.
Cris Morris was 29 years old when she began an affair with a 17 year old student. Police said Moris had sex with the boy five times from August to October 2007, with all of the incidents occurring in Morris' home. In March of 2008, Morris pleaded guilty to lesser charges of third-degree unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old. She was sentenced to 30 days in jail, which she served over the course of 15 weekends.
Mary Kay Letourneau met her now husband, Vili Fualaau, when he was 12 and she was 34 and a teacher at a suburban elementary school. Letourneau was pregnant with Fualaau's first child when she was arrested in 1997. She pleaded guilty to second-degree child rape and was sentenced to 7-and-a-half years in prison, with all but six months suspended. Within weeks of her release, she was caught having sex with Fualaau in her car and ordered to serve the remainder of her sentence. When she was released the two married and have two daughters.
Allenna Ward, 24, who is married and the daughter of a minister, was charged with engaging in sexual acts with five boys, ages 14 and 15 years old. She allegedly had sex with the boys at the school, a motel, a park and behind a restaurant.
Kristen Margif received a one year suspended sentence for her crime. Margrif and her victim had sexual relations eight times between June and July 2005. The trysts reportedly took place in her car or at the store where the boy had a summer job.
Carmina Lopez
40 counts of lewd act with a child, 40 counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, continuous sexual abuse of a child, aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14 years of age, sexual battery, cruelty to a child, annoying or molesting a child under 18 years of age, 11 counts of failure to report child abuse by a mandated reporter.
Authorities were informed about a sexual relationship between Jacoby and a male student after other students at the high school saw a photograph of Jacoby on the boy's cell phone. Police say the boy was between 14 and 17 years old.
English teacher and cheerleading coach at Paradise Valley High School in Phoenix, AZ. In May of 2007, she was arrested on charges of having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old male student. Mally denied the charges, pleaded not guilty, and hired a former U.S. Attorney to serve as her defense lawyer. In June of 2007, the Phoenix Police Department released secret tapes of Mally talking to the boy on the phone, recorded with the victim's permission. On the tape, Mally can be heard telling the boy, "You’re 16, [student's name]. If they find out, I’m going to f-cking jail."
Natasha Sizow was a 24-year-old social studies teacher and girls swimming coach at Granby High School in Virginia Beach, VA. She was arrested in February of 2008 on charges of sending erotic pictures of herself in various states of undress via cell phone to two 17-year-old students, one male and one female.
Autumn Leathers was a 24-year-old English teacher at Mountain Ridge High School in Frostburg, MD. She was arrested in August of 2008 on charges of having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old male student.
Margaret De Barraicua was a Sacramento, CA, intern teacher at McClatchy High School. She was arrested in February of 2005 after police found her in her car with a 16-year-old male student. Police first responded to the scene after receiving calls about a car parked behind an elementary school.
Samantha Solomon was a 29-year-old guidance counselor at the High School for Health Professions and Human Services. She was fired from the position after an internal probe by the New York City Department of Education discovered she had had a two-week affair with a 17-year old male student.
Jennifer Lea Burton was a 39-year-old physical education teacher at Orangefield Junior High School. She turned herself into authorities in April of 2009 after being accused of having a three-month relationship with a 14-year-old female student between September and November of 2008.
Sarah Tolzien was an English teacher and varsity track coach at Rich South High School in the Chicago suburb of Richton Park. She was arrested in March of 2009 for criminal sexual assault after she was accused of having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student she coached.
Deanna Bobo worked as a special education teacher at Raymond E. Wells Junior High School in Greenwood, AR. She was arrested in November of 2005 for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old male student in his own bed while his parents were away from the house. Police also found 19 sexually explicit emails between Bobo and the student.
Rhianna Ellis was a social studies teacher at the High School for Health Professions and Human Services in New York, NY. She allegedly began an affair with a student, later identified as Cesar Pozo, when he was 17 years old.
Kesha D. Manuel, an art teacher, first began exchanging letters with a 15-year-old male student before eventually meeting the student at a public library, where the two had sex in a woman's restroom stall.
Kenzi Friday was a geography teacher and varsity cheerleading coach arrested in April of 2009 on charges of an improper relationship between an educator and student. The arrest occured after a teacher at Friday's school alerted police to a possible relationship between Friday and a 17-year-old male student.
Melinda Deluca was fired from her position as a sign-language teacher in December of 2005, after being arrested on two counts of forcible sexual abuse. Deluca was accused of having sex with a 16-year-old male student that she reportedly had "groomed" for a relationship.
Angela Comer was a 26-year-old middle school teacher. She was forced to resign from the position in November of 2005 after allegations of an affair between herself and a 14-year-old male eighth grade student arose. In January of 2006, both Comer and the boy went missing, along with Comer's 4-year-old son. They were found two weeks later by Mexican authorities in a hotel in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, near the Texas border.
Sooo... Couple questions: 1. Most of these women are VERY attractive and could easily get laid by almost any guy they chose; what caused them to act out sexual relations with young boys; most not fully developed physically? 2. Do these women have diagnosed mental illness? If so, does that not exempt them from prosecution due to a mental defect? 3. Where were these teachers when I was trying to get laid in high school???