Sunday September 23rd marked the 27th annual United American Muslim Day Parade in NYC. The parade, which included floats and flags of many nations, marched down Madison Avenue from 42nd Street to 23rd Street. Intrepid blogger Urban Infidel attended the event and captured many of the images and video seen in this story.
During the parade, a program was handed out featuring shots of the White House with the Black Flag flying over it.
Inside the Muslim Day program. Photo credit: Urban Infidel
Cover of the Muslim Day Parade program - Photo credit: Urban Infidel
Inside the full-color program handed out to those along the parade route was a four-and-a-half page article titled, “Islam, The Future of America.” That article features the first image shown above with the black flag Islam flying over White House.
The article documents the recent growth of this “third wave” of Muslims in America:
- Population growth from 50,000 Muslims to an estimated 6 million in just the past twenty-five years
- Mosques have increased from 50 in 1960 to 1400 today.
There are also some paragraphs inside the document that are worthy of review. For example, the subject of relationships between Muslim Americans and non-Muslims. The point of view here is quite clear: inter-faith and inter-cultural marriages are strongly discouraged. And it clearly states that Muslim women are forbidden from marrying outside of their faith. The two paragraphs posted here show:
- It is permitted for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman — as long as she converts.
- Muslim woman are not permitted to marry a non-Muslim man.
In the section discussing the education and upbringing of Muslim children, this paragraph suggests the creation of Islamic Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, with the underlying rules of Sharia being mandated:
The marchers and floats carried many messages stating that Islam is a religion of peace. However, there were several participants flying the black flag of Islamic jihad:
In one instance, the flag was flown in front of the stage featuring young children:
At the end of the parade route, a stage was set up for speakers. One Imam from Coney Island in Brooklyn used his time to push for the U.S. government to ban the anti-Islam video some blame for the uproar of late, to “not allow anybody to disrespect our prophet in future,” and asked the UN to pass a low banning such speech against Islam:
That push shouldn’t be a shock to regular readers of TheBlaze. Last week, we reported on similar calls being made by many Islamists who were demanding UN intervention on behalf of Islam’s reputation. One story covered the ultra-conservative Islamists in Egypt who demanded UN intervention to criminalize this defamation. We also interviewed a NJ Imam who said that free speech that allows mocking Islam is a threat to America’s national security.
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