Thursday, August 25, 2011

The real cost of the wars and not the distortions.

Facts are pesky little things. According to the Congressional Research Service estimates that the long term total cost of the wars would be $1.14 Trillion from 2001 to 2011. But in the last debate to raise the debt ceiling Obama was given a blank check for over $3 Trillion to spend as he wants.

Do you know that the military will bare the brunt of cuts after November if a agreement is not reached on the debt? Did you know that Defense spending is 20% of the budget and that entitlements are over 53% of spending?


  1. Did you know that 77 Billion of all War funding went to the states? And that the states are not allowed by the Federal Government to enforce boarder security? We already know that the Feds will do nothing to protect our boarders and it is a shame they will not allow the states to do anything either.

  2. On your other blog you noted that social security has its own taxes and is 93% self sufficient (your numbers). Our defense spending is 5x higher than second highest defense budget in the world (China). So where would you rather see the money go? Helping Americans or supplying a war machine? I read a post on your facebook page describing all the poor and suffering in America and that we need to stop giving foreign aid to so we can take care of our own at home first. Then I read blogs like this where you would rather spend money on the military that help these people you were championing on your facebook page. It makes all your arguments seem agenda based and disingenuous. Look if we are spending 53% on entitlements and all those bad thing are are still happening in america why would you want to cut them? You don't want me to get into the foreign aid numbers game. Its an extremely small part of the budget, and helping people is what the US does.

  3. Did you know that under Obama our nation has seen record deportation? Weird for a guy who's supposed to be giving amnesty. The left should be irate at this. The tea party should be happy but nothing makes them happier than bitching about Obama so I guess they'll ignore those numbers and concentrate on the "backdoor amnesty" conspiracy instead.

  4. correction on my first comment needs to read "rather spend money on the military instead of helping these people".

  5. A weak military leads to a weak country. Name one of your freedoms won that the military is not defending? Do you think the world respects America because of a weak leader like Obama or because of a strong military ready to defend our interest? Ask these simple questions to any other nation and you will see that it is our might that makes us great. Not well written and delivered speeches from a teleprompter.

  6. Nobody said we need to be weak, we just don't need a budget the size of the rest of the entire worlds military budget. Check out international news sources like bbc and aljazeera and see if the world respects us more when we are dropping bombs on them or when we are opening lines of communication and solving our problems diplomatically. I believe it's shallow to say that our might is what makes us great. Those comments make us look uncivilized.
