
Monday, March 11, 2013

You mean, we were supposed to WORK for that money, not play video games?”

Here’s something that slipped through the cracks thanks to the fake drama that was going on during the fake fiscal crisis coming from our fake government in Washington, DC: Another fake green company boondoggle has resulted in federal dollars being spent on …nothing.
According to a report issued by the Department of Energy’s own inspector general, employees at LG Chem, a Korean company that operates a battery plant in Holland, Michigan- a plant that’s supposed to support the Chevy Volt- were paid for playing video games, board games, volunteer work at Habitat for Humanity and other local charities.
Another fake-work program brought to you by the DOE and Nate Silver. 
“An investigation by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General,” reports, “blasted the federal government for negligent oversight and LG Chem for wasteful spending of a $151 million stimulus project to build batteries for electric cars. Despite spending a majority of the money, LG Chem has yet to produce a battery.”
LG Chem’s defense seems to be: “Oh. You mean, we were supposed to WORK for that money, not play video games?”   
Wired Magazine says, “LG Chem officials submitted those non-productive labor costs [that is, the costs for playing video games, etc.] for reimbursement because they were ‘unfamiliar with the types of costs that were allowable.’”
That seems to be a familiar complaint under the Obama administration.
Not being familiar with stuff is kind of rampant.
See, for example Ghazi, Ben. 
This is not exactly a government that recognizes boundaries, laws, the United States Constitution, common sense, Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), or even basic shapes and colors.
These are the same guys who pay unemployment benefits to convicts serving time for murder; they pay an adult male, who wears a diaper, a disability payment so said male- so-called- can pursue the “lifestyle” of an “adult baby.” Oh, and they pay the diaper changer who tends to him too.     
So, really who can blame LG Chem?

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